What Do I Need With A Forklift?

What do I need with a fork lift? Perhaps that is a silly question, but I think it is an important one and it is one the Left doesn’t understand. Or maybe I don’t understand it. Business and economics were never a strong suit of mine on account of the fact that I was never interested in them very much so I never took any courses in them when I went to college. I read one or two books on the subjects in my later years because that’s generally a good idea. In a capitalist society, some basic knowledge of economics and business should be, if not mandatory, at least highly recommended.

Anyway, back to my point.

The Left always goes on about how unfair it is that less than 1% of the population controls 35% or some other huge number of the wealth in the United States. I don’t want to get into a detailed discussion of income inequality because, like I said, my economic credentials are somewhat lacking. However, I do want to make one point. From my understanding, wealth entails not just money, but other assets and holdings as well. How do these kinds of discussions take into account corporate holdings such as assets (like a fork lift) and what have you? Are corporations simply ignored in the calculation? That is, does the discussion revolve simply around monetary income of the individual people? By their very nature, corporations own stuff … lots of stuff … lots of expensive stuff. Like forklifts, trucks, land, and everything else imaginable. Most of those things I have absolutely no interest in owning. I might find a use for a truck, but probably not one of those big eighteen-wheelers, and certainly not a fork lift. I can make use of land, in a reasonable amount, but not something like a computerized cash register. My point is that these things are assets and therefore constitute corporate wealth. Naturally, the people at the top of the corporation control what is done with them, but only to a limited degree. Their everyday use is determined more by the natural structure and inner-workings of the corporation than by the whims of the corporate leaders. For example, although it is within the power of the corporate leader to take the main computer out of the company store and beat on it with a baseball bat, they probably won’t do that because it doesn’t help the overall business. Imagine that.

If you recognize the above point, you should also recognize that you cannot take away corporate assets without provoking catastrophe. A corporation without the assets it needs to perform all its work will not run properly. The same can be said for corporate money. Money is the lifeblood of a corporation. Without it, it collapses. And when the corporations collapse … we will starve.

Anyway, I just want to point out that I have absolutely no use for a fork lift in my home. The corporations can keep them. As well as the oodles of cash in which they swim … because I realize they need that cash to bring the products I need to me.