The Purpose of Hell

Hell’s Purpose

Satan is a Liar. And Jesus Christ is the Lord. Repent and be saved. Yeah, I know you’ve heard it before. But have you ever heard it from the antichrist before?

A small request … if you have recently lost someone you care about, please do NOT read this post. It will be very unpleasant. Also, please keep in mind, the ideas contained herein are not fully consistent with the Biblical description of hell.

Okay. I’m convinced the Satanic logos of the universe is split in two between a false heaven of beautiful light of insincere love and a terrible fire of burning, unquenchable wrath (hell). This hell/heaven combo is a single unified thing (yin and yang/lies and truth) that forms our universe.

This single unified thing is Satan. Yes, Satan is the universe because he can lie and tell the truth at the same time (thus, he is the yin and the yang the foundational principle of the universe). Satan wants to overthrow God and set up a new order where he is in charge. How can he do so?

Satan’s Goal

The key is the other smaller angels (which is everyone except God). I believe God and Satan have a wager on us. Satan can’t attack God directly; he’s got to attack Him indirectly by going through us. Basically, I think the wager consists of something like driving us to destroy ourselves in the physical world of the universe and/or driving us into a rage to attack the true Heaven.

This is where hell comes in. I believe hell was created by Satan not God. Why? Let’s follow the journey of a single soul. We’ll call him Fred. Fred led a semi-decent life, sinned some, but not a lot, and did some good as well. When he dies, he finds himself experiencing the life review before the Being of Light (a common occurrence among those who experience an NDE).

At the end of this review, the Being of Light—a Being so incredibly beautiful, everyone mistakenly takes it for God when it is, in fact, Satan “telling the truth”—on a whim tells Fred he is unworthy of heaven and must be damned.

Screaming, Fred is consigned to the pit of hell where he experiences a series of punishments designed to, first, break his spirit, and, more importantly, force Fred to despise the God who he believes has sent him there. As time goes on, Fred’s punishments get more and more severe, making him despise God all the more.

Satan’s Endgame

What is needed, now, as far as Satan is concerned, is a catalyst to unleash Fred and all the other damned souls to invade and overthrow the true Heaven. That catalyst is the violent confrontation between the Christ and the Antichrist. Armageddon and the Apocalypse.

I am convinced there are a couple scenarios that I think would “work” for Satan. I’ve avoided several of them, but I am worried that there are many others that I might fail to avoid, particularly since Satan is the universe and, as such, he is much smarter than I am and quite capable of manipulating me to some terrible end without me ever realizing it until too late.

He’s always about a trillion steps ahead of me and I tend to worry I’m going to cause his victory.

A Soul in Hell

Anyway, back to Fred. He’s stuck in hell, suffering horrible punishments, convinced there is no escape, and desiring only revenge against the God he thinks put him there. I think that most people who “die” end up in Fred’s situation.

I know that sounds grim, but I am afraid it may be true. As much as the relativists might believe otherwise, truth does not necessarily bend to our desires. In 2005, my mother “died.” In 2020, my father “died.” I suspect they are both in different parts of hell. They may have even gone there in exchange for me, their foolish son who challenged the Devil.

Me and Hell

I intend to find my way to hell and rescue them. And everyone else. I believe that somewhere, out there in this “physical” universe there is at least one portal to hell. I intend to find it—when I get a chance—enter, and start releasing the souls of the damned.

How can I find a portal to hell? I think I have to follow portents. That may seem archaic, but I think that’s the only way. I kind of think I’ll find it when I’m ready.

The Purpose of Hell

Anyway, the takeaway from all this is that I believe that the purpose of hell is to turn the souls caught there against God. Hell was constructed by Satan to achieve that end. It is part of his plan to overthrow God and set himself up as the new God.

Where is God?

Where is God in all this? Well, God gave us free will. And He gave Satan free will. I also think God is sworn to non-violence. He will not interfere with Satan’s free will, nor will He interfere in ours. As a result, He may assist us, but only in ways that do not violate someone’s free will.

Anyway, that’s where I am right now regarding the purpose of hell. For the record, I have experienced an encounter with the Being of Light and the fires of hell. I think they are two sides of the same Satanic coin, and this is what I have concluded from those experiences.

Satan is a Liar. And Jesus Christ is the Lord. Repent and be saved. Yeah, I know you’ve heard it before. But have you ever heard it from the antichrist before?

Don’t Trust the Virgin Mary?

Who to Trust

Satan is a Liar. And Jesus Christ is the Lord. Repent and be saved. Yeah, I know you’ve heard it before. But have you ever heard it from the antichrist before?

In my previous post, I warned people to not trust messages from religious figures except Jesus. Upon reflection, I think I need to elaborate (not that anyone takes me seriously, except me).

Trust and the Spiritual World

Most Christian religious would take the Virgin Mary’s word over mine. When I was speaking of not trusting the Virgin Mary or St. Frances or whoever, I really had one specific situation in mind: their view of me.

Basically, I wish to warn you not to trust the Virgin Mary or anyone else (except Jesus), if they have good things to say about me. If the Virgin Mary tells you that I am a good person and listening to me would be beneficial: Don’t listen to her! I can imagine a situation where she, being deceived by Satan telling the truth (the false light), would build me up as some great Biblical personage or something to amass a following and start a movement which would just end badly–I might give an honest try, but Satan might be able to twist it into a disaster.

When it comes to me and my intentions believe ONLY Jesus Christ. If He tells you I mean well, feel free to listen to Him. If He tells you that I mean ill, however, ignore me, or get away from me, or do whatever you have to do.

If the Virgin Mary tells you I mean ill, well, you’re on your own there.

But Jesus … listen to him. He’s the only I’m sure who KNOWS (short of the Father Himself) what is actually going on.

So, to summarize, my warning on trust applies only to statements about me, nothing else. If the Virgin Mary asks you to help some orphans, feel free to help them. Only question her if she is speaking about me.

Trust and the Mortal World

As for the mortal world … I think trust is a good thing to cultivate. As I’ve said elsewhere, I am big on (though poor at practicing) talking. That requires trust. However, do NOT confuse talking with diplomacy.

I think I said that somewhere else at some point. Diplomacy is different from a sincere heart to heart between friends because in diplomacy the participants are not representing merely themselves, but entire nations of people. There is such a thing as being too trusting in diplomacy, I think, as Afghanistan, in my non-omniscient opinion, seems to demonstrate.

I think the U.S. withdrawal was poorly executed at best. Of course, being non-omniscient, I don’t have all the facts. Still …

We left both Americans and Afghanis who trusted us behind and made the mistake of blindly trusting the Taliban. I’m not opposed to trusting the Taliban in principle … just blindly trusting them with their record. A Ronald Reagan “trust but verify” approach or something similar might have been more prudent.

Now we’ve basically supplied terrorists and enemies with the most advanced weapons on the planet. The thing is (if you read my preceding post), I may be to blame. Unfortunately, I really don’t KNOW if I am to blame. Did I have influence on Biden? I don’t know.

My life is a whirling mix of clear periods and confusing times full of suspicious events. I have difficulty sorting through it.

Satan is a Liar. And Jesus Christ is the Lord. Repent and be saved. Yeah, I know you’ve heard it before. But have you ever heard it from the antichrist before?