A Warning to the United States and the World Regarding Satan

Satan is a Liar. And Jesus Christ is the Lord. Repent and be saved. Yeah, I know you’ve heard it before. But have you ever heard it from the antichrist before?

I’m inclined to think that no one (or very few) will take this post (or any other I’ve written) seriously as I claim to be the antichrist. Nevertheless, I fee obligated to post it.

With respect to the United States: the Left is not the Right’s enemy and the Right is not the Left’s enemy. Satan is everybody’s enemy. And he is pitting everybody against everybody else to the best of his considerable ability. I think he can change things in reality (as he is the universe) such that a document read by two different people will contain two different sets of words. The purpose is to elevate tensions. Changes will be subtle. One person might read in a document that 18 blacks were shot and killed by police in 2019 thus reinforcing his preconceived Right-leaning notions that police are NOT “hunting blacks down.” The next person, a Leftist, will read the same document and read that 1800 blacks were shot and killed by police in 2019 and come away with the impression that the police are indeed “hunting blacks down.” But the truth of the matter is that no one knows what the true number is and Satan will manipulate texts (and pictures and even perceptions) to convince people that everyone they disagree with is lying or has malevolent intent, thus stirring tensions up ever higher.

No one is safe. The only way to fight this is to stay calm and keep giving people the benefit of the doubt even when you don’t want to.

On the international scene, this warning goes out to Biden, Putin, and every other leader on the face of the globe (and even whatever aliens in space might be inclined to listen). This is the endgame. You start a war, it will be the last war we ever have and its ultimate end will be worse than a nuclear-pulverized dead and lifeless planet. Satan will win. God will lose (and be annihilated). And we will face a fate far worse than death and perhaps even worse than damnation. Imagine being so enraptured and enthralled by someone that they can murder and flay your best friend and your entire family in front of your very eyes, and you will still be enthralled by that person, unable to resist their will. That is the situation you will be in with Satan should he succeed. And as he is the universe, and God will be out of the picture, that will be the situation forever and ever. No one will have the power to dethrone Satan. Ever. This is not a joke. This is a warning. Warning seems like so insufficient of a word.

Yeah, I know. You don’t believe me. You think I’m insane. I kind of hope I am.

Satan is a Liar. And Jesus Christ is the Lord. Repent and be saved. Yeah, I know you’ve heard it before. But have you ever heard it from the antichrist before?

UFO’s, the Illuminati, Jesus, Satan, and Conspiratorial Mayhem

UFO’s, the Illuminati, Jesus, Satan, and Conspiratorial Mayhem

Satan is a Liar. And Jesus Christ is the Lord. Repent and be saved. Yeah, I know you’ve heard it before. But have you ever heard it from the antichrist before?

No one is going to take this post seriously, but as I am constantly raving about being the antichrist, that’s really not a surprise. Anyway, first rule of being the antichrist: I am NOT omniscient. I could be wrong. I probably am. Not that anyone would believe me anyway….

Okay. UFO’s have been percolating through the news lately (lately being the last several years). Once upon a time, UFO’s were the crème-de-la-crème (probably spelled that wrong) of conspiracy theories. Let’s come back to that later.

The Illuminati Conspiracy on YouTube

A few years back, I was hopping about amongst various conspiracy theories on YouTube. I remember watching—more like listened to—a YouTube video about the Illuminati. I will try to relate the story to the best of my ability.

The narrator was a man (computerized voice) who we will just call “Tim.” Tim was at a camp at a lake and on the other side of the lake was a large group of men. Somehow, the group of men became aware of Tim and circled the lake to confront Tim. As they approached, Tim started hearing the voice of Jesus.

Jesus Against the Alien Gods

Jesus told Tim to not be afraid, to take off his shoes, and affirm his Christian faith if he were challenged by the men.

The men were not alone.

The men parted and a figure walked toward Tim. It was one of the ancient Egyptian gods—Horace or something—it had a humanoid body, but with the head of a hawk or something. It was also very large, over 10 feet tall, I think, and somewhat translucent like some kind of apparition.

Horace approached, surrounded by grinning men, convinced they had the upper hand. Horace said something like, “All these men have given me their souls. Will you do likewise?” to Tim.

Tim simply said, “No. I belong to Jesus.” Whereupon Horace disappeared. All the men started in surprise and Tim left unmolested.

Jesus and the Aliens

That’s the YouTube story. I also want to throw in that somewhere on the Internet I read that aliens were terrified when they heard Jesus’ name. Don’t know if that is true, but it struck me as strange at the time.

Satan and the Alien Gods

So, I have developed my theory on the Illuminati (the men in the video above—worshipers of Horace), aliens, alien gods (like Horace), UFO’s, and Jesus. Threaded throughout this theory is my other theory regarding Satan—which I won’t repeat here because I’ve discussed it elsewhere on this blog.

Satan is the universe, and, as a result, he has a habit of taking the form of any particular deity he likes (except Christ—because Christ defeated him, etc…). So, in the above video, Horace was either Satan (unbeknownst to the men) or an underling of Satan (a fact also likely unbeknownst to the men).

Jesus being the messiah and the only being in the universe to know the truth about Satan and to defeat him in their confrontation 2000 years ago, has been given sufficient power by God (the real one) to send Satan/Horace/Whatever-it-was away. He (Jesus) waited until the last possible moment because He wanted to give all those involved time to really decide what they were going to do before He intervened.

The Illuminati and the Aliens

Tim sided with Jesus. The Illuminati sided with Horace. Why? I think the Illuminati are convinced Horace is some kind of deity of some alien race because they have had contact with aliens. The aliens introduced their deities to the Illuminati at some point in time, and they, in the pursuit of power and influence, converted to the alien religion worshiping Horace.

Once the initial Illuminati starting worshiping Horace and the others, it kind of became a requirement for joining the club. I don’t know if they have any twisted blood-drinking rituals or anything else like that—don’t care much. Well, actually I do: I would condemn that, if they do.

So, the Illuminati are spread across the globe occupying the highest levels of every government on Earth (or, at least, the powerful ones—U.S., Russia, China, England, etc…). They worship alien deities and are in cahoots with alien races.

Us and the Aliens

They (the Illuminati) are setting the stage for alien contact by releasing UFO info to the public. This contact may or may not be a benevolent/positive event. The alien Powers that Be may have intentions towards our planet.

UFO’s are very interested in U.S. military installations. The U.S. seems to be on the brink of collapse thanks to the “idiocy” of the political class. Some people think the collapse is being deliberately arranged. By the Illuminati, maybe? With alien help?


I kind of think the aliens favor the Chinese model of government over the American. They are working to bring the American system down through the efforts of the Illuminati so they don’t have to get their hands dirty.


Jesus is probably concerned with how a person lives their life rather than the particulars of one’s political ideology. His beef is probably more with the alien “gods” rather than the aliens themselves. But I really don’t know.

And, since we’re spinning conspiracy theories here, the coronavirus and the vaccines are probably involved in this as well. If the government wanted to put something undetectable in the vaccines, we have the technology to do so, I am sure. If not them, I’m sure the aliens do.

Of course, all of this is largely guesswork. Like I said, I’m probably wrong. But if aliens come down and demand the allegiance of Earth to the Galactic Federation, or whatever it may be, I say we ask to just have trade relations for 1000 years and then revisit the question after we’ve had more time to assess their intentions. “We,” in this case, being the population of the planet, not our leaders.

Of course, remember that I accused Donald Trump of being Satan. I still kind of think he is, but I could be wrong. Like I said, I am NOT omniscient.

Satan is a Liar. And Jesus Christ is the Lord. Repent and be saved. Yeah, I know you’ve heard it before. But have you ever heard it from the antichrist before?

Regarding Black Lives Matter and The Left

Regarding Black Lives Matter and The Left

Satan is a Liar. And Jesus Christ is the Lord. Repent and be saved. Yeah, I know you’ve heard it before. But have you ever heard it from the antichrist before?

I wrote this piece several months ago and never got around to publishing it. Figured I should do so now. I don’t mention the latest incidents involving black men and police that got to the news but that’s because, like I said, I wrote it several months ago.

For the record, I do not think a government’s laws should differentiate between people on the basis of skin color. It’s not only immoral, it’s just stupid. That said, I think I have to take issue with the activist group Black Lives Matter. I am not a statistician, and my exposure to the stats on the matter is filtered through various conservative media outlets. From such, it is my understanding that the stats do not support the central tenet of BLM; namely, that police are shooting black men at a disproportionately higher rate than white men. According to the right, that is a false narrative perpetuated by the Left including Leftist media organizations. And that narrative, not only complicates an already difficult issue, it exacerbates whatever real problem is there to begin with. An individual who thinks the police are out to get him, will be less likely to behave “safely” during any encounter with the police. The individual will likely be more nervous, more distracted, more jumpy, and generally more likely to cause a serious incident to evolve out of a simple encounter. That is not good. And the media and the leftists who have been drilling this narrative that the U.S. police are out to “get” the black man are not helping. Because if you believe someone is out to get you, you will react to the person very differently than if you do not have that belief. The media and the Left are stirring a pot of raw emotion, and our country is threatening to burst at the seams.

Further, I would like to post a warning to BLM and the people who support it: Do NOT become the people you so desperately despise. Despite your protestations to the contrary, there is such a thing as reverse racism, or rather, the racism of some blacks against whites based on their skin color. Racism is not just a white thing. If you are forcing people to kneel because they are white, you are engaging in racist behavior. If you are destroying statues because you don’t like the people they depict, you are trying to erase history and all her lessons–and that helps no one. If you are forming raging mobs that take over parts of a city, or destroy businesses, that hurts everyone: the store owners lose revenue and will likely be forced to close, the economy suffers, and no one will ever want to invest in your section of town, ever … because it is just plain too risky.

Satan is a Liar. And Jesus Christ is the Lord. Repent and be saved. Yeah, I know you’ve heard it before. But have you ever heard it from the antichrist before?