Being Against Christianity Is So Cool

Being Against Christianity Is So Cool

Satan is a Liar. And Jesus Christ is the Lord. Repent and be saved. Yeah, I know you’ve heard it before. But have you ever heard it from the antichrist before?

Once, many years ago, I was in a philosophy class in which the professor was talking about Christianity. It was so long ago, I’ve forgotten the point he was making. I just remember him concluding by saying something like, “And that is the modern challenge to the Christian today.”

Like I said, I don’t remember the point. I do, however, remember the emotional read I had of the professor. He came off to me a little like he was being all intellectual and cool because he was coming down against Christianity. Like he was in the in-crowd. And he was so cool.

I remember thinking that that was a negative against him, that siding against Christianity to be in the in-crowd was a sign of weakness. I suppose it could be worse. He could have been a member of the Church of Satan.

I mean, if you don’t want to be a Christian, fine. Just don’t make a big production of it in the name of “being cool” and belittle those who wish to remain members of the religion that helped shape and build Western Civilization over the last 2000 years.

I mean, really, it takes so much courage to hurl invectives and insults at members of a religion whose founder said, “Turn the other cheek.” Let’s get ’em!

So, the question is … how should the antichrist respond to invectives and insults hurled at him? Unfortunately, I waffle between Christianity and Platonism. One tells me to “Turn the other cheek,” and the other tells me to “Endure the ignominious slap in the face.” Maybe I’ll ignore them both and make use of my black belt one of these days. But I probably won’t.

Well, I thought I had more to say on this topic, but alas, I don’t. The Apocalypse will continue after these messages from our sponsors.

Satan is a Liar. And Jesus Christ is the Lord. Repent and be saved. Yeah, I know you’ve heard it before. But have you ever heard it from the antichrist before?

The Problem with Environmental Regulations and Poverty

The Problem with Environmental Regulations and Poverty

Satan is a Liar. And Jesus Christ is the Lord. Repent and be saved. Yeah, I know you’ve heard it before. But have you ever heard it from the antichrist before?

Generally speaking, I think the environment is a legitimate concern. However, I want to point something out to the Leftists that think the solution to all our environmental woes can be solved by regulations and mandates.

I have a friend who, like me, is on the lower end of the income scale. This past autumn, while he was driving his car around, one of the “idiot lights” came on—I think it was the “check engine” light.

He brought it in to get fixed. They “fixed” it. A week later, it came on again. He brought it back. And so on, back and forth several times. As it turned out, the cause of the problem was—now I’ve forgotten the specifics—an entirely environmental one. It was like the emissions from the gas pipe were a trifle too high, or something like that.

The cost to fix it would have been several thousand dollars. Enough that he might as well get a new (used) car.

The thing is, the car was still perfectly safe to drive. Minus a trivial environmental concern, there was nothing wrong with it. But, legally, it couldn’t be on the road.

And, personally, I think that’s stupid. Trying to force someone close to the poverty level to pay heaps of money to save a few parts per million of CO2 emissions or whatever it was, just seems blatantly unfair and unnecessary to me.

Let the friggin’ car on the road. As a means of transportation, it worked perfectly fine. If we’re going to have this horde of endless regulations, can we, at least, leave them at the factory door?

I mean, really. Why can’t we regulate personal vehicles a little more loosely than vehicles being produced in the factory. Like allow triple emissions, or something.

Just a thought.

Satan is a Liar. And Jesus Christ is the Lord. Repent and be saved. Yeah, I know you’ve heard it before. But have you ever heard it from the antichrist before?

Many Buddhas, One Christ

Many Buddhas, One Christ

Satan is a Liar. And Jesus Christ is the Lord. Repent and be saved. Yeah, I know you’ve heard it before. But have you ever heard it from the antichrist before?

The centrality of Jesus of Nazareth to the Christian religions is one of their most distinguishing characteristics. Numerous other religions exist, with innumerable followers, and various other founders and leaders.

Buddhism, for example, has many different “buddhas” who serve as enlightened teachers that serve to educate their respective followers. Christianity, however, has only one teacher. One Christ. Why?

Let’s look at that question a little more closely.

Why Is There Only One Christ?

The traditional answer is that He was crucified to pay for our sins. He was a human/divine sacrifice to God to take away our guilt. To be honest, though, I’ve never understood that. If God thinks I’ve done something wrong (which I have … many times), I feel I should be the one punished, not someone else. Certainly not someone I have never met in person.

And if you say, if I were to be properly punished for my sins, I would be condemned to hell, my inclination is that such a sentence is grossly unfair (And as the antichrist, who has actually been to hell, I can say from personal experience that I wouldn’t wish that punishment on anyone, not Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Anton LaVey or anyone else).

Sentencing someone to hell is just wanton cruelty. A God that sentences “sinners” to hell is cruel. He is not loving or kind.

But I’m getting sidetracked….

Why was Christ Crucified?

Speaking of cruelty, what does crucifixion demonstrate other than human cruelty? Plenty of other people have been crucified.

As a sibling of mine once said, “Crucifixion doesn’t make you special.” Actually, I disagree with that last. If you knowingly walk into your own beating, scourging, humiliation, and crucifixion … that takes far more courage and strength than I know I have. I mean, ugh!

But if you knowingly walk into that, you must have a pretty good reason to do so.

So, why did He do it? So, He could be raised from the dead and that would somehow cleanse me of my sins? That doesn’t make sense to me. It may make sense to other people, it just doesn’t make sense to me. How does Him being raised from the dead affect me? I just don’t see a good rational connection.

A man I’ve never met died a cruel death and then came back to life. A remarkable and unusual occurrence, for sure, but how does it affect me?

At this point in my life, the best I can come up with is that maybe I’m supposed to meditate on the cruelty inflicted upon Him in the crucifixion and somehow see myself as the genesis of such when I act cruelly. That still doesn’t explain the Resurrection. Does it? Is it just a promise of hope if you do meditate thusly? That’s all I got. Unless there is a different reason.

AntiChrist Interprets Christ

Courtesy of my antichrist issues, I came up with an alternate answer to that “why” question above. I think He was trying to send us a message about Satan—that being (no one believes in anymore) whom He called “The Ruler of this World.”

I won’t beat a dead horse so I won’t go into much more detail on Satan. I’ve discussed him elsewhere on this blog; I don’t need to discuss him anymore.

I think I’ll just say that I think Jesus saw the yin and yang symbol as I did, realized that the “god of nature” was really Satan in disguise, and sacrificed himself to send us a message to expose Satan for what he is, so that we can avoid the Apocalypse.

None of the buddhas ever did that. None of the buddhas ever had that realization about nature. No one else in existence every understood that the universe itself is Satan. And it is our enemy. Jesus did. Then I did.

Or maybe, I’m just insane.

Satan is a Liar. And Jesus Christ is the Lord. Repent and be saved. Yeah, I know you’ve heard it before. But have you ever heard it from the antichrist before?

Satan and Boiling Frogs

Satan and Boiling Frogs

Satan is a Liar. And Jesus Christ is the Lord. Repent and be saved. Yeah, I know you’ve heard it before. But have you ever heard it from the antichrist before?

Have you ever wondered how Satan destroys people? Have you ever wondered why a frog won’t jump out of a pot of water that is gradually boiled? Do you see the connection?

They say that if you throw a frog into boiling water it will just jump out, but if you put it in regular water and gradually increase the heat, it won’t realize what is happening and will be boiled alive.

Satan Corrupts People Gradually

I think Satan uses the boiling frog approach to corrupt people slowly except instead of water, humans are immersed in sin. Then, he gradually leads you to commit more and more serious sins until you are completely engulfed. He’s got kind of a two-pronged method.

Satan Gives You an Impossible Choice

First comes the impossible choice. He gives you a choice between two evils, where no matter which path you take, you will be guilty of committing some wrongdoing.

That is, he starts with an impossible choice between two little sins. Then, when you are committed to one small sin, he “boils the water”, by gradually increasing the severity of the sins he presents before you. You sink deeper and deeper into the morass of sin with seemingly little chance for escape on your own.

I’m sure he has other techniques at his disposal, but that, I think, is one of his favorites.

Satan and the Corruption of Countries

Not only does he use it on individual people, but I think he is quite capable of using it on entire nations. For example, the United States of America. If I had to guess, I think the U.S. has maybe fifteen years left at best before it collapses.

Satan has the United States in Boiling Water

Let’s take gay rights, for example. A baker refuses, on religious grounds, to bake a wedding cake for a gay couple. If the law sides with the gay couple, it is engaging in religious persecution. If the law sides with the baker, it is engaging in discrimination against gays. An impossible choice: whichever path you take, you will commit some wrongdoing.

How does this boil the water?

Let’s move on to transgender rights. We are now at each other’s throats arguing over pronouns while we have infinitely more important issues to address. Like, say, the debt.

We’ve moved along by loosening expectations regarding sexual morality in general, to embracing homosexuality, to embracing transgenderism such that our culture basically accepts sexual hedonism. Now, as far as sexual ethics are concerned, the water has been successfully boiled.

(For the record, I do struggle with these issues myself. Currently, I support legal gay civil unions. Marriage, though, I think should be left as a strictly religious concept that shouldn’t concern the government at all.

Likewise, I don’t think transgenders should be beaten up, mocked, or ridiculed, but I think they should remain, like lycanthrope, under the banner of “mental illness.”

As for sexual hedonism, there is definitely a part of me that wants to go out and have sex with 50,000 gorgeous women sequentially and simultaneously, but, when push comes to shove, I don’t think that is really a respectable choice. Yet my lust is strong, and it is a struggle every day.)


Anyway, my purpose here was to expose some of Satan’s tactics in this … well, prelude to the Apocalypse.

Satan is a Liar. And Jesus Christ is the Lord. Repent and be saved. Yeah, I know you’ve heard it before. But have you ever heard it from the antichrist before?