Thoughts on Fundamentalist Christianity as the AntiChrist

Depending on who you talk to, Fundamentalist Christians can be the good guys or the bad guys. They usually evoke strong emotions. Some people group them together as Super-Christians or Hyper-Christians, or whatever; others—usually other Fundamentalist Christians of the same sect—find them appealing. Courtesy of my antichrist issues, I find myself in agreement with Fundamentalist Christians on certain points. For example, I think a couple sects identify the universe as Satan. I think they are correct in that assessment. However, there are certain beliefs unique to Fundamentalist Christians that I just don’t accept. I figure I should clarify some of these things … being the antichrist, and all. Listed below are a few such things I disagree with Fundamentalist Christians on. Actually, the first thing in the list, I sort of agree with, but I don’t want to delete it, so it will remain in the list.

Now, without further adieux, here is my list of the one thing I agree with Fundamentalist Christians on, and five things I disagree with them on:

  1. Non-Christians Worship Satan—Agree, sort of.

Okay, as I think the universe is Satan, anytime you address prayers to a pantheistic deity or a nature god of some sort, you are directing your prayers to Satan. Any “miracles” derived from such should be attributed to Satan, not God. God, being omniscient, hears the prayers but I think He has an agreement with Satan that prevents Him from intervening, at least for now. Christians, on the other hand, have Jesus as an intercessor. Miracles derived from Christian prayers come from Jesus who, in turn, gets His power from God. So, I’m kind of of the view that non-Christians unwittingly worship Satan. That unwitting part is important. I don’t think the real God will hold that against them as that’s kind of like blaming a piece of plankton for being eaten by a blue whale.

  1. The Christian God Hates Homosexuals—Disagree

I spent four years of my life looking for the aspect of homosexuality that was intrinsically evil. I couldn’t find anything. I guess you can quote “Natural Law,” but that is an intellectual point, and I’m not even sure it is sound. I’ve heard that some animals display homosexual behavior, and if so, what does that do to “Natural Law?” Anyway, if there is something wrong with homosexual behavior (note: I am saying behavior, not orientation: it would be foolish to hold something against someone, if they have absolutely no control over it) it is likely more trivial than not. As far as I am concerned, as the antichrist, I think Satan, being the true author of the Bible, sprinkled a few “rotten” suggestions throughout to sew discord and distrust. Lines like: you should never suffer a witch to live, or go and stone homosexuals sound more Satanic to me than they do Divine. But, then again, I am the antichrist.

  1. Jesus Christ Was Perfect and Sinless—Disagree

In my view, Jesus was a mortal who discovered that Satan was the yin and yang and the true author of the universe. As the Son of David, He was the David destined to defeat the ultimate Goliath. I just don’t think He was perfect. He didn’t have to be. He was extraordinarily virtuous, kind, and honorable, but I suspect He had a few minor sins here and there. I could be wrong. I’m not omniscient (of that, I am certain). Regardless, whether He had sins or not, I’ll take His word over Satan’s any day of the week … except maybe when I’m feeling grumpy towards him and/or God (which occasionally happens), then it’s probably a good idea to let me cool down for a day or two, and get back to me.

  1. Salvation Comes Only from Faith in Jesus Christ—Disagree

I think the deciding factor for Salvation is God’s decision. And I’m inclined to think that God will let anyone and everyone back into Heaven (even Satan) when they have come to terms with their sins, confessed them, and done whatever penance is necessary. Jesus comes in here as the intercessor or intermediary in that process. Oh, and in the case of Satan, I suspect his penance will be collapsing down to the size of a mathematical point in the reverse of the Big Bang, going from First to Last in a big way.

  1. All Non-Believers of Whatever Christian Denomination will be Damned to Hell—Disagree

Basically, I’m opposed to any one denomination (be it Catholic, Baptist, or even Buddhist ) saying they know with certainty that they possess the one and only path to Heaven. Although it is logically possible that the Roman Catholic Church is the only route to Heaven, I don’t see why an OMNIPOTENT God would be UNABLE to save a Baptist if He were so inclined in such a situation. That said, I don’t think all religions and religious practices are equally good by necessity. I think the human race is far better off having relegated, for the most part, ritual human sacrifice to the past. Here in the U.S. we’ve also gotten rid of dueling and slavery. Two more positive developments. I think next up to be abolished is, or should be, abortion. But that is a discussion for another day.

  1. Halloween and Dungeons and Dragons are Inherently Evil—Disagree, I think

I enjoyed both Halloween and D&D in my youth. I still play D&D and I’m 48 years old. I used to think that this point of the Fundamentalist Christians was just silly. However, now I’m not so sure, at least with respect to D&D. Halloween is just plain old spooky fun for the kids with a reward of lots of candy. D&D, however, I’ve played for nearly forty years. Two of my good friends who used to play with me wound up selecting odd religions for themselves in real life. One became a witch, and the other a rune-worshiping pagan. It didn’t bother me much when it first happened, but now as I get older I can’t help but wonder if the years of D&D didn’t have an impact on their decisions. Ignoring my antichrist concerns, as long as the witch practices “white magic” and doesn’t start sacrificing young babies or something equally hideous, I probably shouldn’t be concerned—she’s always been a decent person—it’s just … my antichrist issues: Wiccan is a nature religion, which, according to me, involves the unwitting worship of Satan. And he’s a master of perverting people slowly. I don’t know as much about the pagan stuff. I don’t even know why pagan has come to mean a specific religion beyond the biblical use as non-Christian. Back to D&D: some of the classes in 5th edition D&D are a bit more sinister than the options in earlier editions. I suppose that is fine for adults as it is just a game, but I do worry about providing player character rules that allow PC’s to make pacts with demons to gain powers and then handing those rules to children. I find that a little concerning. But I can’t condemn anybody. After all, I’m the antichrist and I’ve made a few stupid pacts with Satan here and there (all either trivial or sarcastic in nature) myself.

Anyway, that’s my list of six items with which I, as the antichrist, agree with or disagree with Fundamentalist Christians on. There are others, of course, but this blog post is getting long. I have no animus toward Fundamentalist Christians. I know some people probably find them annoying; but Socrates was really annoying first. Of course, the Jewish prophets may have been even more annoying even sooner. I don’t know. The quest for moral truth isn’t a quest to be the most annoying person you can be. Somehow, I think it’s a little deeper than that.

Freedom, Capitalism, and Socialism

I wrote the bulk of this post about a year or so ago, but I never got around to publishing it. So, I’m posting it now, because I think it makes some good points.

Capitalism and Socialism

This post is about the Capitalism vs. Socialism debate. Back when I was in college, one of my roommates was a Democratic Socialist. He was a nice guy, who sincerely believed in the cause. I wasn’t really into politics or economic systems at the time (still am not) but we were good friends through college and he left me with a positive outlook on Democratic Socialism. The older I get, though, the more alarmed I get by Socialism. Count me in the Capitalist camp.


Freedom in Capitalism and Socialism

Because Freedom is far, far more valuable than money. Democratic Socialism strives to redistribute wealth in the name of “fairness.” But suppose one man wants (or even needs) a boat, and another wants (or needs) a car. The best way to fulfill these wants and needs is to let the two respective men make their own choices and buy their own boat or car. The government should not be in the business of picking and choosing goods for its people. Okay, so maybe the government should just supply each man with the money he needs and let him make whatever choice he wants. Okay, but why can’t one man have two boats, if he wants, and leave the other with but one car? Because that would mean they would have disparate wealth. But if the first man was willing to put in twelve hours a day, instead of eight, or find a more efficient way to make money, or maybe even build his own boat … why can’t he keep it ? He should be allowed to pursue the acquisition of whatever goods he desires to whatever extent he wants. The second man might not be too into material things. He might be perfectly content with his one car. Maybe that permits him to get by on a thirty-hour work week, half of what the first man works. He finds time to be more valuable than any boat. Why can’t we just let each pursue their own goods without interference from the government? I certainly feel that I am more capable of determining what my material needs are than the government. Forcing someone to purchase a product against their will (cough, Obamacare) is anti-freedom. As for just giving money to this person and that person, that gives the government undue control over each person, because sooner or later, the government will cut off the spigot for whomever displeases it. Then, where are you? Someone must divide the money. Are you suggesting that the division be perfectly equal? Then the guy who wants to work 12 hours a day to get a boat is treated the same as the guy who just wants to work 6. I’m not judging either man, I’m just pointing out that wealth distribution is not something readily amenable to simplistic rules.

Government Bureaucracy

Generally speaking, massive centralized governments are a bad idea. They are clumsy, inflexible, and unwieldy. They are also weighed down with inertia. It is true in the private economy that it is the small new businesses that can most readily adapt to and respond effectively to new developments in the market. The big guys stick around because they have massive resources, but they don’t readily adapt to change. I see no reason why government wouldn’t follow the same pattern.

Government versus Charity

For those that want to use government to care for the poor via socialist policies, that too is a bad idea. Dollar for dollar private charities are far more effective. The last time I checked, for every dollar given to government to help the poor, about $0.35 actually reaches the poor person. The rest of the money is consumed by the bureaucracy. That number is likely to get worse as the bureaucracy grows. As I recall, charities average around $0.70 for every dollar. The really good ones get $0.90 or $0.95. Still, I’m kind of up in the air about whether or not government should have any social welfare programs at all (I benefit from two, personally). Sometimes having a great size has advantages. But I just see the danger of them becoming huge money-sinks that will consume wealth with a rapacious appetite. With that in mind, I think, if we are going to have them, they should rely on voluntary contributions.

Speaking of bureaucracy, the more dealings I have with the U.S. Government, the more I dislike it. Just one example to consider, I recently got medication for my elderly father. Obtaining the medication was delayed because the hospital ER failed to provide a Diagnosis Code. I mean, really? I’m not going to blame the ER for a trivial paperwork error when God-knows how much paperwork they have to deal with. No, this problem came straight from Medicare. You don’t delay medication so you can cross a “t” properly. That’s just stupid.

The Growth of Government and the Growth of the Legal Code

Speaking of paperwork, let’s talk about its source: the multiplication of Laws. We have more Laws, thanks to the bloated bureaucracy, than we know what to do with. I mean, the Tax Code, is tens-of-thousands of pages long. And Obamacare was like 4000 pages or something stupid like that. I’m a pretty smart guy but I know I can’t keep track of that many laws with my poor mortal brain. When are we going to learn to give the people closest to a situation some leeway based on their own best judgement? I say we get rid of most of the legal code, except the really critical Laws like those against murder, rape, and child molestation. Yes, the antichrist is against excessive laws. Wasn’t I referred to by St. Paul as the Lawless One?

Observations on Medicine in a Capitalist System

In considering Capitalism and Socialism, my instincts tell me this (like I say my “instincts,” I’m not sure how these would fare under scientific analysis) that Capitalism will “lift all boats”, but perhaps some at different rates. Socialism might lift all boats but far, far more slowly although I am more inclined to think it will sink them in the long run. Last I heard, the United States, the beacon of Capitalism, is responsible for something like 50% of the innovation on the planet. And yet, it has only 5% of the population. From my own experience, in 2009 I traveled to another small city to get access to an MRI machine. About 8 years later, I had three MRI machines as options in my own city. The technology had become more common and more readily accessible, thanks to, I think, Capitalism. I’m inclined to think that in Capitalism, the cutting edge technology is first available to the rich, who, in some ways offer themselves up as guinea pigs to use it. Then, 5 years out, the middle class get access to it. Then, 10 years out, even the poor get access to it. In a socialist system, the cutting edge technology likely advances more slowly and more often than not, is accessible only to those in power. That means, 10 years out only the rich can access the latest technology from 10 years prior; 20 years out, the same. 50 years out, maybe it will reach the poor, but I doubt it. And if this is the situation, which I am inclined to think it roughly is, count me with the Capitalists.

Socialism, Socialized Medicine, and Jesus

Also, a problem with socialized medicine, and socialism in general, is that it makes my lifestyle everyone’s business. Can I eat Doritos? Sane people would say it is up to me. But with socialized medicine, everyone else is paying my medical bills and they have a vested interest in keeping me from eating junk food like Doritos. Bite me. I want my friggin’ Doritos when I want them. If they kill me, fine. Blame it on  me.

For my final warning (and Christians won’t like this) against centralized government I will point to Jesus. He was offered control of the planet by Satan, and He turned it down, because, I think, He knew it would destroy Him. I think  it was a decision similar to Gandalf’s when Frodo offered him the Ring of Power in the Lord of the Rings. To paraphrase, “Do not tempt me so, Frodo. For I would long to take the Ring and try to use. I would try to use it for good, but in so doing it would bend me towards evil and I would become a monster like the Dark Lord himself.” I’m sure Tolkien said it better, but it was something like that. As they say: power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Am I the AntiChrist?

Rate the above poll on its relevance to your life.

Rating: 5 out of 5.

If you are interested, I wrote a book about my “mental illness”:

Autobiographical book about my "mental illness". I am convinced I am the antichrist.
The above is a short autobiographical book on my “schizoaffective delusion” that I am the antichrist. If you are interested in the antichrist, Christianity, mental illness, philosophy, prophecy, and generally weird ramblings, you may get a kick out of this book. Follow the link and download the ebook. At the moment, it is free at Smashwords with a coupon.

Satan and the Election

Satan is a Liar. And Jesus Christ is the Lord. Repent and be saved. Yeah, I know you’ve heard it before. But have you ever heard it from the antichrist before?

Okay, the election is a week behind us. You had to know that I had to comment on the general state of things taking Satan into account. Not that anyone will listen to me.

Anyway, the way I see it, there are really three scenarios regarding the United States election. 1) There is no investigation, nor any recounts. The call for Biden stands. This would likely be followed by a wave of protests and such, possibly even riots by the Right. 2) There is an investigation as well as maybe a few recounts and Bidens wins in spite of such. The Right wouldn’t be happy, but I think they would accept it, and things would proceed peacefully … although America’s shift to communism and totalitarianism would become even more pronounced. Or 3) There is an investigation along with recounts, and Trump is declared the winner. The Left would not accept this. There would be riots and chaos, and possibly even Civil War.

Now, as far as Satan is concerned, I think he’s involved in all this by manipulating peoples’ perceptions of events and facts, and is trying to pit us all against each other. In that light, I think the outcome he is most likely to favor would be scenario 3. Regardless, our country is divided. We better figure out some way to heal it. Even if I am just insane, and Satan is a figment of my imagination, our country is on the cusp of a political/constitutional crisis. I, for one, do not want to see the U.S. Constitution dissolved and our country march into communism and tyranny. Ironic, as I think that is precisely Satan’s plan and he wanted to use me to that end … but that is a tale for another day.

Maybe with prayer and repentance we’ll be lucky enough to pull off scenario 2 and with the quasi red wave and a Republican controlled Senate, the march into communism will be muted or even halted, so that we’ll have a chance to turn things around.

Still, we seem to be heading into a disaster of Biblical proportions: ”Four years of darkness, human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together, mass hysteria … or should we say, communists and capitalist living together, mass hysteria ….” Etc… Ghostbusters!

Satan is a Liar. And Jesus Christ is the Lord. Repent and be saved. Yeah, I know you’ve heard it before. But have you ever heard it from the antichrist before?