A Recipe for Chaos

Satan is the Universe

Satan is a Liar. And Jesus Christ is the Lord. Repent and be saved. Yeah, I know you’ve heard it before. But have you ever heard it from the antichrist before?

All right, I had an inspiration of horror regarding Satan. As you may know, I believe the universe is Satan because I believe the Yin and Yang symbol to be Satan’s arrogant attempt to pull one over on us. Let’s analyze that a little bit.

The Yin and Yang are (according to me) representatives of the lie and the truth. The lie is hell. It is a place filled with quasi-divine (Satanic) fury that tortures the very foundations of a soul although lacks the ability to truly annihilate a soul.

The (Satanic) truth is a (false and insincere) heaven which us mortals cannot truly differentiate from the real Heaven (the one created by the real God). Both hell and heaven are filled with souls. Not to be too much of a super-Christian, but I think non-Christians wind up in heaven, not Heaven.

Who is in Heaven and heaven?

Jesus and all the Saints, on the other hand, might be in Heaven or they might be in heaven. I’m not sure. If they are in heaven (which I suspect, but do not truly know), all of them believe they are in Heaven except Jesus. In this case, Jesus alone knows the truth about the nature of heaven (and Heaven).

He’s spent the last 2000 years in heaven burdened with a terrible secret: the knowledge of what Satan is. Alternatively, He and the rest of the Christian souls might be in Heaven, safe and aware of the nature of Heaven and, by contrast, the nature of heaven and hell.

Satan’s Efforts in the Apocalypse

Anyway, let’s assume the Apocalypse is happening and Satan wants to cause absolute chaos. He could do this easily by sending down to Earth hordes of spirits from heaven (all of whom—except Jesus—think they are coming down from Heaven following the orders of God, not Satan) and instructing them (remember they all think he’s God) to do various things, contact various people, and basically set the people of the Earth at cross-purposes.

The spirits and souls Satan sends mistakenly believe he is God. The people these spirits and souls encounter on Earth believe that God has sent these spirits and souls to them from Heaven. Naturally, the living people will cooperate and obey these “angels.”

Some False Supernatural Interventions

So, Saint Frances might appear to a Catholic nun and give her instructions for some mysterious purpose (but it really serves Satan’s purpose).

A great Buddha might appear to a Buddhist somewhere and give him instructions (realize, please, that my knowledge of the intricacies of Buddhism is very limited. They probably don’t have “apparitions” like Christianity, but I’m sure they probably have some kind of “supernatural contact” of some sort in their religion. I’m saying, generally speaking, “supernatural contact” is really Satanic contact—either Satan is masquerading as God, or he is sending someone who believes he (Satan) is God when he is not).

So, Mohammed might appear to a Muslim, or the Mahdi might arise “guided” to conquer the world, etc… (Again, my knowledge of Islam is limited like Buddhism.)

To reemphasize and clarify the point: Saint Frances, the Buddha, Mohammed, and pretty much everyone else (except Jesus) are, unbeknownst to them, really being instructed by Satan masquerading as God, not God.

How to Increase Religious Tension

How easy will it be to set everyone at cross-purposes to increase tensions to ever higher levels and incite violence and warfare?

Moses tells a group of devout Jews that Solomon’s Temple must be rebuilt. Mohammed (or the Mahdi, or whoever) tells a group of Muslims that the al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock must remain and be preserved.

Who’s going to win that fight? I don’t know, but I’m pretty sure there’s going to be a fight or, at least, some serious arguing and rising tensions.

I think you get the idea. Satan can use Saints and heroes to inject dissension across the globe. And the only one (besides myself) who really knows what’s going on is Jesus. And now, you do, too—actually, “know” is too strong a word here, except for Jesus.

Basically, my point is that Satan, as the (false) Being of Light can contact this world in ways that appear benevolent, but which will really create total chaos in the end.

An Example from My Own Experience

At the beginning of my antichrist journey, I was convinced that Jesus and I had to expose Satan “real quiet-like,” one person at a time, slowly but surely. Now, I’m not sure if that was a good idea. I think it was a better idea than exposing him all at once explosively, but, currently, I have no idea if anyone anywhere has learned the truth about Satan other than myself (and Jesus, of course).

I suspect that one of the things angels, unwittingly serving the purposes of Satan, are doing is instructing people who I encounter to not verify to me anything about my Yin and Yang suspicions regarding Satan. That puts me in a terrible fix because I am getting nothing but denials that anything I believe is true. From EVERYONE!

So, I am left with a series of knowing looks, coded messages, and similar vagaries from the people around me instead of serious discussions about Satan and what I (and we) should do. I’m feeling quite alone, and I am repeatedly questioning my sanity.

But I know what I experienced. And my Yin and Yang theory explains it quite well.

Disclaimer: I am the AntiChrist

Of course, remember, I am the antichrist. I am a sinner (actually, the man of sin). And I am absolutely NOT omniscient. Oh yeah, and as I am a mortal sinner who is NOT omniscient. Satan may be manipulating me, despite the fact that I am like 99.999…. percent sure that I know what he is. I mean, he’s the universe, and I’m little ol’ me.

So, please don’t take what I tell you as true-unless Jesus of Nazareth backs me up. If He doesn’t back me up, please treat me like a plague-carrier. I don’t know what else to do.

Satan is a Liar. And Jesus Christ is the Lord. Repent and be saved. Yeah, I know you’ve heard it before. But have you ever heard it from the antichrist before?

Is the Apocalypse Around the Corner?

The Imminent Apocalypse

Satan is a Liar. And Jesus Christ is the Lord. Repent and be saved. Yeah, I know you’ve heard it before. But have you ever heard it from the antichrist before?

When I first started out on this antichrist journey, I believed that the good guys had won and there would be sunshine, lollipops, and butterflies. Satan was defeated. God had won the day. And things would proceed relatively peacefully.

I am no longer convinced that is the case.

Is the Apocalypse Near?

In fact, I think the Apocalypse is on our doorstep. I am convinced that Satan isn’t going to go easily (I don’t know why I ever thought he would). Like all big, spoiled brats, he’s going to go kicking and screaming and throwing a tantrum.

Unfortunately, since he is the universe, his tantrum is going to have a terrible impact on all of us. And, yes, I realize it is arrogant to try to stand up to Satan when he is the universe and you are an itty-bitty little human being, but I don’t know what else to do. Doing nothing seems unacceptable, too.

Predicting Satan’s Actions

Anyway, I’m trying to figure out how he’s going to proceed. Of course, as I’ve said before, he’s infinitely smarter than I am, so, he’s probably an infinite number of steps ahead of me. But, to quote “the spirit” of Theoden, King of Rohan … “We will meet them in battle nonetheless.”

So, this is my prediction for the course of events.

  1. Increased Political Strife—Satan can do a lot of damage by manipulating perceptions to create conflict. If he can alter “facts” relativistically everyone will be convinced everyone else is a liar. If I say “red” and you hear “blue” is something he can do—which I think it is—we are in a lot of trouble.
  2. Global Economic Collapse—Thanks to Covid, the economic shutdowns, and the general mishandling of the economies of the U.S. and other countries by the governments around the world.
  3. Starvation – Probably cannibalism, too, because of the economic collapse. Joy.
  4. Environmental Collapse—People will be forced to resort to less-environmentally friendly forms of technology because of the economic collapse. This will increase man’s impact on the environment and start causing more severe environmental problems.
  5. World War III – Desperate countries go to war to try to feed and supply the needs of their people.
  6. The Assault of AI on Humanity—That’s artificial intelligence in case you were wondering. Of course, the AI is really controlled by Satan.

Of course, I am really just predicting this stuff to try to reverse psychology Satan down a different path. Of course, when I did that last time (also see here), I failed to mention viruses. And what did Satan use: a friggin’ virus. Should I count that as a success to my theory of reverse psychology? Or is it just a failed prediction? You decide.

What Should We Do?

So, how do we stop this?

Okay, here’s a few steps I’m going to take:

  1. I’m never going to enter politics, ever, so I NEVER become a world leader. That will only end badly. Having people listen to me might end badly, too, but … I like to write.
  2. Pray to Jesus and God the Father as much as I can.
  3. I’m going to use a 50/50 approach to prepare for the global economic collapse. Basically, I’m going to divide my resources between preparing for hard times and trying to keep the economy afloat. I’m going to save money and gather resources, but I’m not going to cut out those occasional restaurant visits (etc…) entirely.
  4. I’m going to try to get my household as independent as possible. Simplified technology is probably better than advanced in some circumstances. For example, a computer-controlled toilet will be out of service in a power outage (not that I have a need to replace either of my toilets, let alone with a computerized one). The point, though, is I’m going to try to keep it simple, and just use one with a handle. Stuff like that.
  5. I’m going to try to be more engaged in the political arena but be willing to compromise—on some things. I, generally, don’t view the other side as evil (unless they’re REALLY being evil—and that’s usually actions that are evil, not people). They know stuff I don’t. I know stuff they don’t.
  6. Be nice.
  7. Try not to panic. This is very dark and grim territory and it can get you down, if you take it too seriously. I don’t believe our future is set in stone, maybe mud, but not stone.
  8. That’s all I got. I’m open to any other suggestions.

And I can probably do any and all of these in any particular order.

Am I Right About Satan?

When things get hairier and hairier, some people may interpret the continuous chains of disasters as punishments from God. I’m inclined to interpret them as “punishments from Satan masquerading as God.” You’ll have to decide which interpretation you believe.

I’m of the mind that if God is truly responsible for Gehenna (the part of hell I visited in my annihilation experience) and the Apocalyptic events that are coming our way, then I don’t think I want to worship him, anyway. Because clearly, if that is the case, he seems to think might makes right (yeah, I know. I’m judging God. But I’m kind of committed on this course).

I’m inclined to think:

  • It is beneath the dignity of God to get in a fist fight with Satan.
  • Withholding dessert from a child because he didn’t eat his peas is a form of discipline and punishment. Cutting off his fingers and forcing him to eat those instead is a form of cruel torture. Which activity do you expect to find in hell?
  • The O.T. God seems to be very much about demonstrating how much smarter he is than us and how much more powerful he is. God shouldn’t need to do that. It’s kind of a given.

Anyway, as always, I defer to Jesus. If He tells you I’m wrong and should be avoided like the plague … please do so. Everyone else (from above) including the Holy Spirit (dangerous territory there) is suspect, at least as far as I’m concerned.


Oh yes, and don’t forget … I am a sinner with one sin worse than anyone else’s in HISTORY (attempted spiritual suicide). And I am NOT omniscient. Again, just sayin’. And finally … I see a psychiatrist. Just so you know.

Oh, and one last thing, if the above sounds a little paranoid, it just may be. Maybe I listen to too much Glenn Beck. Maybe not. Hopefully, things won’t get as bad as I fear they might. I think we can prevent the Apocalypse, but not without God and Jesus’ help.

Satan is a Liar. And Jesus Christ is the Lord. Repent and be saved. Yeah, I know you’ve heard it before. But have you ever heard it from the antichrist before?