Satan’s Play: Dreams and Visions

Satan’s Play: Dreams and Visions

Those readers of mine familiar with my delusion, if delusion it truly be, may find some of this entry familiar. I’ve written of it before elsewhere on this site and in other writings. However, let me recap some of the highlights of my “delusion.” I believe Satan and the Universe are one and the same thing (I also believe Barak Obama is Satan, or an appendage of Satan, if you will, but that’s not really relevant to this particular post). I believe all the religions in the world were inspired by Satan’s activities on this earth; he set them up according to his own desires to get us to “worship” him when we thought we were worshiping God. The God I believe in doesn’t really want worship. He wants love, and that is not the same thing. He’ll put up with the worship because he understands us and our needs.

But enough about God. Back to Satan.

Satan is evil and he is hell-bent (forgive the pun) on getting us to worship him, even when we don’t realize we are actually worshiping him. He doesn’t care if we know or not; he just wants us to pray to him. To that end, he can respond to prayers or take activities like sending dreams or visions to us.

Imagine, if you will, an Islamic terrorist has a vision telling him to blow something up and kill some people. How can we make sense of that? We can analyze the vision as A) God or some other benevolent supernatural entity told the terrorist to blow something up—but that hardly fits our notion of God as a loving Creator or the premise that it is a benevolent entity responsible for the vision. Or we can analyze the vision as B) no entity is responsible; it is just a product of the brain without any connection to a supernatural reality. Lastly, we can have C) some malevolent supernatural entity is responsible for providing the vision while working disguised as a benevolent entity. I suppose you could also have a neutral entity responsible, but I’ll just group that in A) as well. Regardless of what the source of the vision might be, removing the impetus it provides would be virtually impossible. A vision, presumably from God, which dovetailed with the so-called “teachings” of the religion, and the understanding of that religion, to a practitioner of that religion would simply reinforce the beliefs, even should they be terrible and heinous beliefs, of that practitioner. If all the world is telling you not to kill someone, and yet the God you are devoted to, to whom you pray every day, is contradicting that and telling you to go and kill … to whom will you listen? Devout individuals will listen to their God every single time.

It is my belief that ‘divinely inspired’ visions supporting acts of violence and murder would be evidence of a malevolent entity interfering in human affairs, and I would call that entity “Satan.” Surely, the visions do not come from God. They might be just some figments of the brain, or they could be the result of some other mysterious entity that thinks very little of us.

Anyway, that pretty much describes how I think Satan could use religion as a tool to wreak destruction. Or, perhaps I’m guilty of judging God. I believe I’m the antichrist, so treat everything I say as suspect.

The Crucifixion: A New Age Metaphor Or Not

Once upon a time, I was reading a certain New Age writer—which particular one, I do not remember. The whole discussion is somewhat vague in my mind. I remember that the individual was talking about Maitreya, the New Age Messiah that all the New Agers are anticipating, and there was some talk of Jesus Christ. The writer wanted to say that Jesus and His mission were part of Maitreya’s plan. 2000 years ago, Jesus was “overshadowed” by Maitreya, so it was really Maitreya’s words and philosophy that Jesus preached. Further, the writer said that Jesus’ crucifixion is to be understood as some kind of metaphor.

A metaphor.

The Romans drove six inch nails into His hands and feet, and we’re supposed to understand that as a metaphor? Pardon me, but I don’t think so. It was a horrible, agonizing death. One of the worst imaginable. It is far too visceral of an experience to understand it as a metaphor. I don’t want to get into the nitty gritty of what I think the crucifixion is all about, but it’s certainly not a metaphor.

Anyway, I generally regard New Agers as basically harmless—although the more engrossed in politics I get, the less I am likely to agree with that—but I still felt that I had to comment on that particular point.