Donald Trump is Satan

Okay. I am convinced I am the antichrist. I have also recently come to the conclusion that Donald Trump might be Satan. I also believe that Barack Obama was Satan, too. As Satan is a shape-shifter, that doesn’t pose a logical problem for me. Satan served as U.S. President in the form of Barack Obama, then, when his terms were over, he started serving again as Donald Trump, billionaire businessman. It’s the ego that gives both of them away. I ought to know; I have a ginormous ego myself—not as big as Satan’s—but still, regrettably, very large.

Why would he pick one party and then the other? He is trying to pit us against each other by polarizing our nation. Like Obama, Trump is unimpeachable. Obama could not be impeached because he was the first black president. Trump cannot be impeached because that would tear our country apart. I really don’t know what to do about him, but I’m pretty sure he’s Satan. Or, at the very least, is possessed by Satan.

A ways back I made a post in support of Trump because I thought his business acumen would help us deal with our debt problem. I now think he is an embodiment of pure evil and would like him impeached, but not at the cost of my country. The only advice I can give is to keep standing up and speaking your mind to the best of your ability. You can’t change the mind of your entire opposition, but you can change one person’s mind and you can be flexible enough to change yourself.

Love and Prayers to Everyone. Satan (lies & truth, yin and yang, nature, the evil universe) is a Liar and Jesus Christ is the Lord.


Before leaving, I just want to say that I am offering my ebook, “The Children of Lubrochius” for free on Smashwords here. The coupon code is: KB84D.

The Mandela Effect and the Return of the Dead

Okay, a lot of people seem to be aware of the Mandela Effect on line. It first started happening to me in 1997ish, possibly 1998ish shortly after my antichrist experience. I still insist it is the handiwork of Satan/Mara/Shiva/Etc… (the sentient, evil universe). I think you can get a better handle on it if you remember all those times you said A to a friend who heard you say B. Both of you insisted the other was wrong, but you were, in fact, both right. It’s basically the same thing. Both you and your friend are trying to reach each other, but Satan is getting in the way.

A lot of people think it is shifting dimensions, but it isn’t really. You are you, and there is only one of you. What I think is happening is that “we” aren’t skipping through dimensions collectively at all. “We” were never in the same “dimension” to begin with. It’s kind of like an extreme form of perceptual relativism, but it is because Satan is responsible for manipulating our perceptions.

Anyway, my more important point concerns death. I believe people have “died,” but instead of going to heaven or hell (although some did go to both of these), they split off and entered another “dimension” (although dimension isn’t quite the correct word). Satan produced a body for us to grieve over and inflict pain upon us.

I don’t mean to get anyone’s hopes up, but I’m thinking that for some of us, loved ones whom we have believed to be dead may return via the Mandela Effect. They are still alive living in a reality where they saw us die and be buried. And since Jesus’s Second Coming is happening, He’s undoing the dimensional splits so that we will, ultimately, all wind up in the same dimension.

Anyway, that was one of my thoughts. I hope it doesn’t get your hopes up too high, if you have lost someone. I don’t mean to be cruel.

Love and prayers to Everyone. Satan (lies & truth, yin and yang, and nature) is a Liar, and Jesus Christ is the Lord.

The Mandela Effect and the Return of the Dead

Okay, a lot of people seem to be aware of the Mandela Effect on line. It first started happening to me in 1997ish, possibly 1998ish shortly after my antichrist experience. I still insist it is the handiwork of Satan/Mara/Shiva/Etc… (the sentient, evil universe). I think you can get a better handle on it if you remember all those times you said A to a friend who heard you say B. Both of you insisted the other was wrong, but you were, in fact, both right. It’s basically the same thing. Both you and your friend are trying to reach each other, but Satan is getting in the way.

A lot of people think it is shifting dimensions, but it isn’t really. You are you, and there is only one of you. What I think is happening is that “we” aren’t skipping through dimensions collectively at all. “We” were never in the same “dimension” to begin with. It’s kind of like an extreme form of perceptual relativism, but it is because Satan is responsible for manipulating our perceptions.

Anyway, my more important point concerns death. I believe people have “died,” but instead of going to heaven or hell (although some did go to both of these), they split off and entered another “dimension” (although dimension isn’t quite the correct word). Satan produced a body for us to grieve over and inflict upon us.

I don’t mean to get anyone’s hopes up, but I’m thinking that for some of us, loved ones whom we have believed to be dead may return via the Mandela Effect. They are still alive living in a reality where they saw us die and be buried. And since Jesus’s Second Coming is happening, He’s undoing the dimensional splits so that we will, ultimately, all wind up in the same dimension.

Anyway, that was one of my thoughts. I hope it doesn’t get your hopes up too high, if you have lost someone. I don’t mean to be cruel.

Love and prayers to Everyone. Satan (lies & truth, yin and yang, and nature) is a Liar, and Jesus Christ is the Lord.

The Immigration Issue, The Media, and Satan

Yes, I’m talking about Satan again. No, I am not making light of the immigration issue. Hear me out.

The immigration issue is dividing this country to the core. I watch Fox News—which, I admit, tilts right. I do not watch the other stations which tilt left—I should, but I lack the time. We would do well to remember that this is the United States of America and we are not monsters. The left has valid points to make, and the right has valid points to make. We should try to calm down and listen to each other before we tear this country apart.

The left is accusing the Trump administration of acting like Nazi Germany. The right is accusing the left of playing politics with the lives of children. Satan is pitting both of you against each other. No, I’m not kidding. Satan (lies and truth, yin and yang) can manipulate reality with ease (look up the Mandela Effect on the Internet—that’s him). I’m telling you, because of Satan, if the left goes to visit the children separated from their families (which no one likes), they will find the conditions terrible and atrocious—and they will report that through their media outlets. And I mean, they will see a rough equivalent of Nazi Germany and will say as much. If the right goes to look at the children separated from their families (which no one likes), they will find the conditions tolerable and staffed by people doing their best to deal with a difficult situation—and they will report that. Given what I know of the American populace, I’m inclined to think the right’s perceptions are more accurate here for a larger percentage of people, but there will always be bad apples in any group like those staffing the situation and Satan will manipulate matters, so that the left will have a “knack” for finding those children who are treated the poorest, thus reinforcing their preconceived notions. Further, media outlets give Satan a chance to manipulate populations even further. It is child’s play for him to screw with electrons in computers, project images that don’t match reality, etc… Just look up the Mandela Effect on the Internet. That’s him.

I am not being sarcastic. I am not insane. But I do know it sounds crazy.

Satan is a Liar and Jesus Christ is the Lord.

But in all likelihood, no one will believe me.

Explaining the Mandela Effect

Perhaps I am just humiliating myself with this, but nevertheless, I will continue.

For those that don’t know, The Mandela Effect is something a lot of people have been noticing lately; it consists of one’s memories of past events not lining up with the “official history” of reality. It gets its name from the fact that thousands of people remember Nelson Mandela dying in prison sometime in the late 80’s or early 90’s. But according to the official history (supposedly Reality), he died a few years back and Obama caught grief at his funeral. There are other examples, like the thousands of people who remember the Berenstain Bears as the Berenstein Bears, or what have you. If you are interested in the topic, check it out on the Internet; for myself, I found out about it on Youtube.

A number of explanations have been put forward by various people: the advent of quantum computing is causing dimensional shifts in our Reality, to the dawning of a new New Age consciousness, to the birth of Super AI.

The reason I am bringing it up is because I wanted to give my own explanation. And, since I believe I am the antichrist, my explanation goes back to Satan. As I’ve said elsewhere, I believe the universe is Satan and Satan is the universe. It doesn’t matter if you call him Satan, Mara, Kali, or Santa Claus, when you look out your window, his is the face you see. That is, the universe is both sentient and evil (Check out my book “Delusions of Grandeur,” if you want more on that—not that I intended to plug my book in this post). Basically, Satan is kind of a pantheistic wanna-be deity, while the real God is a Transcendental Deity. I believe Jesus’ Second Coming is imminent and that He’s in a kind of tug-a-war with Satan for both me and the rest of the inhabitants of the universe. I’m trying to do what little I can do to help Jesus (No, I am NOT consciously on Satan’s side despite the fact that I am the antichrist) win that contest.

Anyway, I believe that Satan believes that Power is what makes God God. However, I believe Love is what makes God God. I like to think Jesus agrees with me, but I’m the antichrist so, I don’t know and I’m always operating with the notion that Jesus is going to blow me away sometime in the near future. Anyway, since my “antichrist experience” where I came to the conclusion that Satan was the universe, I came to believe that Satan enjoys toying with us. Have you ever had the experience where you’ve said a word (say “green”) to your friend and you are absolutely convinced that that was the word you said, but your friend is convinced you said something else (say “blue”)? It is a trivial thing, but both of you are absolutely convinced the other is wrong. I’m convinced that it is possible that you both are correct. You said green, but somewhere in the transition from you to the other person, Satan interfered and twisted the word around to blue. Why does Satan do this? Well, one, he enjoys messing with people. But two, its also due to his arrogance. The whole fiasco is a little hint he’s giving about what he’s done to us (turned himself into the universe, invented pain, suffering, and death), and he thinks we are too stupid to ever figure that out. The Mandela Effect is basically the same thing; he’s in control of what we normally think of as “objective reality” and he messes things around for basically the same reasons.

Once upon a time, I was very much dead set against relativism. Nowadays, I think our universe is kind of relativistic (in the relativism sense, as opposed to Einstein’s relativity sense—not that Einstein was wrong, or anything). My perceptions are my perceptions, and I have no way to perceive anything beyond them, except maybe with thought I can deduce mathematical truths. Anyway, you’re in the same situation. According to me, I could look at a blue road sign and perceive it as blue. You could look at the same sign and perceive it as red. And Satan would be responsible for the disparity. It can even get more dramatic. Imagine two ships on the ocean sailing along. One circumnavigates the globe. The other falls off the edge of the flat earth. (I know, I just lost everyone there) Satan is responsible for both.

The Mandela Effect is basically that principle applied to our experiences. I could go on, but this post has already gotten longer than I intended it to be. Satan is a Liar and Jesus Christ is the Lord. Love and prayers to everyone.

(Just wait until people meeting for lunch manage to meet each other on different days of the week. That is, Bob meets Jim for lunch on Tuesday, but it is really Thursday for Jim. I think that may be coming. Ta-ta.)