A Few Brief Thoughts on Politics and Stuff

Not sure what to say about the escalating tensions in the world.  As I generally suck at politics, maybe I shouldn’t even bother commenting on the current situation(s). But I feel that maybe I should. I kind of think that most people, not involved in governments of any kind, (most, but possibly not all) would be far happier if tensions eased, war was averted, and peace prevailed. I think that would be great. Not sure it’s actually going to happen. But I send out at least one prayer to God every night in hopes that it does.

Take the Israeli-Gaza situation in the Middle East, for example. I think the long-term answer has to be peace in some form or the other, but I just don’t see how to get from point A to point B. I think the Israelis would be glad if peace could be assured. I’m not sure the same is true of the Palestinians. And now Iran is getting into the mix. Lovely.

It is my understanding that the Biden administration has given aid to both Israel and the Gaza Strip and the Iranians, too. Although I think I support the idea of trying to befriend an enemy with the use of aid, I think you have to be a little shrewd and careful about it. If you want to give money to an ally or even weapons and armaments to an ally, I think that’s fine (although I do wish weapons weren’t necessary). Doing the same to an enemy, though, I think is a bad idea. I know a psychiatrist who thought we should try to win them over by building hospitals. However, as they (Hamas) tend to hide hostages and innocents in hospitals, I don’t think that’s a good idea. And, ultimately, I’m not convinced any act of kindness will be enough to diffuse their hate. The choice between hate and forgiveness is just that: a choice. And we can’t make our enemy’s choice for them. At best, we can make a gesture that hopefully won’t be used against us (or even better, can’t be used against us), but whether or not our (or Israel’s) enemies accept that gesture is beyond our control.

But again, I tend to lean toward absolute pacifism, however, that’s something I don’t think a politician should ever do (thanks to Neville Chamberlain). Which is another reason why I think I suck at politics and probably should never get involved beyond the voting booth. And you probably shouldn’t listen to me either, particularly when it comes to politics.

Anyway … just felt inclined to babble.

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