I, Plagiarist

Satan is a Liar. And Jesus Christ is the Lord. Repent and be saved. Yeah, I know you’ve heard it before. But have you ever heard it from the antichrist before?

Maybe that should read “Pseudo-Plagiarist”; I’m not sure. I’m in one of my “Confession” moods, again. So, here it goes. A significant portion of Chapter Fourteen of my novel “Drasmyr” was inspired by a paragraph I read in a Dragon Magazine, years ago. I don’t remember which Dragon Magazine it was or where in the magazine the article was. I have a few such magazines floating around and I just spent about twenty minutes looking through them because I thought it was in one of those, but I couldn’t find the original article. I don’t remember who wrote it, but I remember the article gave advice to Dungeon Masters regarding atmosphere and it used a vampire as an example. It said something like, you could just reveal that the PC’s enemy was a vampire from the get go, or you could add a little mystery and suspense. Maybe the PC’s find a shattered mirror, and later a corpse carrying garlic. Finally, they find some wooden stakes and realize they’re up against a vampire and just then a wolf howls in the distance to complete the mood. If you read Chapter 14 in my book, that’s more or less what happens with my intrepid adventurers. I don’t know if that qualifies as plagiarism on my part (I didn’t major in English in college so I’m not quite sure what the precise requirements for plagiarism are) or not, but I feel I should have at least mentioned the source of that inspiration in the book. So, here I am mentioning it here on my blog. While I’m at it, I also took a lot of inspiration from Bram Stoker’s “Dracula”, but that probably goes without saying. I didn’t copy anything word for word, but, like I said, I did get inspired by their ideas and I failed to mention that.

Oh, and there were also a couple philosophy articles on Helium.com a number of years ago which, again, were not copied word for word, but which I reviewed old philosophy material to refresh my memory about the particular philosophical problem I discussed in the articles.

In the case of the Dragon Magazine, if the original author reads this and can point me to the right magazine and article and feels he was ripped off, I’ll write him a check for $50 and we can call it even. I never made a lot of money on Drasmyr, and there were about 40 other chapters entirely of my own devising. Additionally, the Dragon article was written to be used in D&D adventures; I used it in a novel instead, which isn’t quite the same thing but … I don’t know. I’ll give you $50 if you like. As for Helium, I don’t think I ever made more than 2 bucks on the site; one of the articles has already been deleted. There is one other one where I screwed up the names of the philosophers involved (because the book I reviewed screwed up the names). But again, I think it only rates as pseudo-plagiarism, because it wasn’t word for word and I think I had original ideas of my own to contribute to the particular discussions (one was the “Problem of Perception” and I don’t remember the other).

Satan is a Liar. And Jesus Christ is the Lord. Repent and be saved. Yeah, I know you’ve heard it before. But have you ever heard it from the antichrist before?

Trump and Satan

Satan is a Liar. And Jesus Christ is the Lord. Repent and be saved. Yeah, I know you’ve heard it before. But have you ever heard it from the antichrist before?

I have commented on this before, but figure it bears repeating or maybe elucidating. I believe President Trump is literally an avatar of Satan (and Obama is, as well). Note: I said “believe”, not “know.” I don’t have any evidence supporting this notion, but I am convinced he is setting out to do the job he (Satan) lined up for me (destroying the world and dethroning God) that I narrowly avoided (so far). I’m kind of convinced that every U.S. President following and including Obama will be an avatar of Satan (the term “avatar” comes from role-playing games; it is basically a manifestation that allows a Deity or power to operate in the real world. Imagine Satan is an octopus and his avatar is a tentacle) because Satan would be attracted to positions of power like that. He could also be Putin or what’s-his-name in charge of China for similar reasons. Alternatively, he may just seamlessly possess these men at opportune times to bring his evil designs to fulfillment. I don’t know, but I’m a little paranoid when it comes to Satan. Anyway, that is my reasoning behind thinking Trump is Satan; I can’t prove it; I’m not 100% sure; and I’m certainly not omniscient.

In light of that, although I support impeaching and removing President Trump (although he’ll likely just be replaced by another avatar), I don’t want to shred the Constitution to do so. The Left seems to only give lip service to the Constitution when it serves their political ends. I don’t know if I, with the reasons above, had any influence on the Trump Derangement Syndrome of the Left (I find that unlikely because I get about 5 visitors to this blog every week) but if I did, I would much rather see a controlled, measured, fair removal of the ultimate tyrant than the frenzied political feast of lies and distortions that seem to be happening now. I mean, two months ago, Trump was a racist for banning flights from China; now, he didn’t do enough soon enough. You can’t dethrone the Father of Lies with more lies.

Anyway, I felt obliged to say that. I still think he’s Satan, bent on pitting us against each other, but I know with 100% certainty that I am NOT omniscient. So, I could be wrong.

Satan is a Liar. And Jesus Christ is the Lord. Repent and be saved. Yeah, I know you’ve heard it before. But have you ever heard it from the antichrist before?

Netflix, Gardening, and the Apocalypse

Satan is a Liar. And Jesus Christ is the Lord. Repent and be saved. Yeah, I know you’ve heard it before. But have you ever heard it from the antichrist before?

For all you people sheltering in place from the coronavirus, I have some advice. I know a lot of you are spending a lot of time watching Netflix, and movies on your tv, and what-have-you. Since I’m the antichrist, I’m kind of convinced the Apocalypse is around the corner. In light of that, I advise you to relegate the movies back to the Entertainment section of your life and just move forward assuming the economy is going to collapse entirely and try to figure out what you can do to prevent that collapse or, failing that, adapt to the collapse. I’m trying to plant an Apocalypse garden even though I have to be one of the worst gardeners ever. I think I’m also going to collect some books. The important ones. Like physics books and chemistry and math and important humanities stuff.

Satan is a Liar. And Jesus Christ is the Lord. Repent and be saved. Yeah, I know you’ve heard it before. But have you ever heard it from the antichrist before?

Satan, China, the Coronavirus, and Relativism

Satan is a Liar. And Jesus Christ is the Lord. Repent and be saved. Yeah, I know you’ve heard it before. But have you ever heard it from the antichrist before?

Hmmm. Where to begin? Apparently, the communist Chinese government is claiming that the United States military is responsible for releasing the coronavirus in China. The U.S., of course, claims that the virus originates from a study of bats conducted by Chinese scientists near a biological lab. They can’t both be correct, can they? Well, if relativism is correct, they can be. But that is pretty bizarre stuff.

Once upon a time, I would have said that both theories cannot be correct, obviously. Now, ever since my encounter with Satan, I’m no longer so sure. Sans my bizarro twisted relativistic worldview where the Earth can be flat to one perceiver and round to another, it should at least be clear that it is possible that the Chinese government sincerely believes the U.S. is responsible, and it is possible that the U.S. government just as sincerely believes the opposite. Maybe the true culprit is Russia or someone else who would benefit from pitting one superpower against the other. What do I think?

I think there is an alternative culprit, but it’s not a human one. It’s not an alien one, for that matter. I think Satan has a vested interest in fomenting discord, even war, if and when he can. Can I prove it? No. Do I really have any evidence that such is the case? Not any that I think rational people will accept. Still, as I am the antichrist, I am convinced the Apocalypse is, unfortunately, on the horizon. One aspect of the Apocalypse is a terrible war. As the U.S. and China are the two most powerful nations on Earth, and I’m sure both countries probably have tons of nukes, chemical agents, and biological weapons, an all-out war between the two would be utterly catastrophic. Something, I’m sure, Satan would love. What is it Ephesians (I think) says? “We are at war against principalities and powers.” Look beyond the obvious human enemies and try to discern the hand of the enemy of all.

Anyway, my point is that Satan could very easily frame the United States in China’s eyes and vice versa. Alter a few documents. Plant a little bit of evidence. And wa-la! The seeds of World War III.

Anyway, I’m the antichrist. I’ve said it before: Unless Jesus corroborates something I’ve said, you are better off ignoring me. Follow Jesus. Pick up your cross. And confess your sins. Pay no attention to me.

Satan is a Liar. And Jesus Christ is the Lord. Repent and be saved. Yeah, I know you’ve heard it before. But have you ever heard it from the antichrist before?

Science and Satan

Satan is a Liar. And Jesus Christ is the Lord. Repent and be saved. Yeah, I know you’ve heard it before. But have you ever heard it from the antichrist before?

I am 100% convinced I am the antichrist (but I don’t want Satan to win). I am also 100% convinced, most of the time, that Satan is the yin and yang (the founding principle of the universe and, basically, the universe itself). I think the only way I could convince people I’m the antichrist is if I took over the planet and killed everyone. I’m NOT going to do that. What I would like to do is convince everyone that Satan is the yin and yang and is, therefore, the universe. However, I must warn you: DO NOT BELIEVE ME unless Jesus of Nazareth speaks to you in some way or form and backs me up on that. Because if I’m wrong, it will not go well for me or anyone I convince of that proposition.

Still, for some strange reason, I’d like to come up with some scientific argument to support me because, after all, this is the age of science. The problem is is that it may be one of those unfalsifiable claims that are generally disregarded because, well, they don’t get you anywhere because when the hypothesis is tested every conceivable outcome can be used to support it in some twisted fashion.

Anyway, the premise is that the universe is actually built on a contradiction of lies and truth (the yin and yang symbol captures that nicely when expressed in black and white). Also, the universe is sentient and evil. Physical reality as we perceive it is relative to the individual. An object that measures 12″ for me, might measure 12.1″ for you because Satan is the one producing and manipulating “physical” reality to suit his own subtle ends. He can be more dramatic about it (like making the earth flat for me and round for you), but he probably won’t at this point because that would likely expose him too easily. I am convinced, however, that somewhere in the deep distant past, some poor group of souls actually did sail off the edge of the earth to their doom. I guess that’s one possible way I could support my position, if I could find evidence to support the position of the Flat Earth Society and also evidence to support the round earth position of modern science. I did look into that at one point, but I was able to shoot down most of the Flat Earth arguments with little effort. The few I couldn’t, I didn’t fully understand and didn’t take the time to really delve into further. I may revisit such at some point. As for the round earth, I think the evidence supporting them is already pretty substantial. Yeah, I know. You think I’m a lunatic. Well, I do see a psychiatrist.

Satan is a Liar. And Jesus Christ is the Lord. Repent and be saved. Yeah, I know you’ve heard it before. But have you ever heard it from the antichrist before?

Satan is a Liar and HTML

Satan is a Liar. And Jesus Christ is the Lord. Repent and be saved. Yeah, I know you’ve heard it before. But have you ever heard it from the antichrist before?

For a while now, I’ve been beginning and ending every one of my posts with the short paragraph of five sentences (or sentence fragments) above. I figured it’s about time I explained why. I heard somewhere along the way that neither Satan nor his demons can or will say “Jesus Christ is the Lord,” and, also, “Satan is a Liar.” I’m not sure how such applies to the antichrist as he is supposed to be a human being, but I can, will, and do say it on occasion in perhaps a feeble attempt to convince others that I am not malevolent.

Also, since I am convinced Satan can warp physical reality as he chooses to the extent that I could say or write anything like “Blue is a color,” and he could change it in transition so that it appears on the reader’s computer screen as “Blood is red” or anything else he wants, I am trying to protect my writing. I could write “I am NOT omniscient,” and he could change it to the reverse: “I am omniscient” making me look even more arrogant and foolish than I already do.

So, I am using the aforementioned block of text kind of like an html tag (for those of you who know what that is). My intent is to protect from Satan’s influence everything within the two identical paragraphs. And, also, express something I think is actually true for reasons I have given elsewhere on this blog.

Anyway, that’s the scoop.

Satan is a Liar. And Jesus Christ is the Lord. Repent and be saved. Yeah, I know you’ve heard it before. But have you ever heard it from the antichrist before?

Scientific Totalitarianism and the Coronavirus

Satan is a Liar. And Jesus Christ is the Lord. Repent and be saved. Yeah, I know you’ve heard it before. But have you ever heard it from the antichrist before?

This is a long one, so prepare yourself.

For the record, in this post, I am NOT advocating that we ignore science altogether. That would probably be foolish and, in the context of the coronavirus, might get a lot of people killed. What I am pointing out, however, is that many of us seem to be in the process of surrendering all our liberty and decision-making to the scientific team at the White House and the CDC. To me, it looks like things are getting out of control and I don’t want it to get worse. In that light, there are a few things to keep in mind.

First, science doesn’t produce knowledge (except mathematics). I would say it produces well-justified rational belief. Actual knowledge in the sense of certainty is very hard to come by. Yeah, maybe I should just shut up because no one is going to listen to me anyway. Well, not today.

I studied analytical philosophy in college. I remember a comedic story told in one of our classes about Zeno and a lion. Zeno is famous for his four paradoxes of motion, that he claimed proved motion was impossible. One such paradox is as follows: “In order to move from point A to point B, one must first move to the midpoint of AB called point C. Then, in order to move to point B, one must first move to the midpoint of CB called point D. Etc. Etc. It sets up an infinite process such that there is no final point to move to. Hence, one cannot move to point B because there is no last step. It is an infinite process.” Anyway, the story is that Zeno is in town teaching his students and one of his students runs up and says, “Master, master, a lion has entered the village. We have to run away.” Zeno says, “Nonsense. In order for the lion to reach us, he must move halfway here. And then, from there, halfway again. And so on. And so on. The lion will never reach us.” Then, the lion comes racing through the town. The students run away. And Zeno is devoured. That just cracks me up every time I think about that story. It’s silly, but I love it. Anyway, if there is a lesson to be drawn from the story it is that philosophy is a great intellectual exercise to see if we really understand things; but, sometimes, we should be a little cautious before we apply it to everyday life.

With that in mind, I think the framers of the U.S. Constitution had philosophers in mind when they set up the court system and the idea that guilt must be proved beyond a “reasonable” doubt as opposed to a “shadow of a doubt.” Why? Because the shadow of a doubt standard is too rigorous. If one were to argue that Joe couldn’t run Bob over with his car because the car must first travel halfway to Bob, and then halfway again, and so on, and so on, and you accepted that as an argument in a Court of Law, no one would ever be proven guilty of anything. Hence, the term “reasonable.” Science kind of assumes the same standard for knowledge. Or, at least, it did in the beginning. From my limited understanding, there is some weird stuff in some fields of science. Which is fine. But I think it worthwhile to point out that it proceeds from a number of “reasonable” assumptions as opposed to self-evident assumptions (like math); or, to put it another way, its beginnings are established as reasonable instead of beyond a shadow of a doubt. There is no scientific field dealing with knowledge as such, but there is a philosophical one called epistemology.

Is there a point to all this? Well, ya. Enter the notion of “informed consent.” You go to see a doctor and the doctor isn’t the one who decides which treatment you will take. You are. You have to consent to the treatment. The doctor offers his advice on the matter. But you have to decide. Why? Because science is never certain. Personally, I don’t think I’ve ever refused a treatment or gone against a doctor’s wishes, but to date, most of my health issues (except maybe my antichrist stuff) have been minor. Well, according to my cardiologist, I have some heart issues too, but … whatever. Anyway. I may go along with the doctor, relying on his expertise, but I can refuse if I so choose. At least, I think that’s how it was originally envisioned. Nowadays, the science has advanced so far that the doctors almost speak a foreign language and then there are the insurance companies which, I’m inclined to think, make the mistake of thinking that science is as certain as math no matter how many times the scientists change the official opinion on eggs or chocolate or butter or whatever.

Then there is that whole relativism of knowledge thing (as opposed to relativism of truth which is untrue). The scope of science has expanded far beyond the capacity of any single human mind. And it keeps expanding. However, it is important to realize that when push comes to shove “we” know nothing. There is no “we”. Only individuals have knowledge (or well justified rational belief to be consistent). Our collective “knowledge” is recorded in books and what-have-you, but as long as it remains in a book and not in an individual mind this “knowledge” is cold, dead, and inert. It requires an individual mind to be properly called “knowledge.” And different individuals are specialized in different fields. They are in subsets of subsets of subsets of broader disciplines. Which is all fine and good, but one must realize the limits of one’s expertise. The doctors advising the White House know a ton about medicine, health, viruses, and even computer modeling of such. But they probably know about as much about economics as I do (which is very little). And there are real economic concerns arising from shutting things down that are becoming more and more pronounced. Everyone is saying, “We have to follow the science. We have to follow the science.” As if repeating a mantra given from on high. What happened to informed consent? The President, as our representative, is the one who has to consent on our behalf to what the scientists suggest (unfortunately, I think there’s a good chance that the current President and every President following him will wind up being Satan, but that’s another story—yeah, I know you want to stop reading now, but humor me). And the same holds true for our governors and other elected officials. And these elected officials must operate within the confines of the respective Constitutions they supposedly uphold.

What I see happening is kind of like what I do at the doctor’s office, but on a mass scale. Yeah, he’s the doctor; I’ll just do what he suggests. I surrender my decision to the doctor and his “expertise.” I think that is a mistake on my part, but up until now, I’ve been repeating that mistake rather regularly. Now, everybody is following the advice of a small group of doctors who just happen to be the ones tapped by the President. From what I understand, there are some dissenting opinions in the medical community, but they aren’t the ones on TV every day. But their dissent should raise two questions: “If we are going to ‘follow the science,’ which scientists should we listen to?” And, “If the answer to such is unclear, do we not have some right to make our own decisions in this matter?” I would like to add a third question, “Is it even possible to resolve a problem with the same universal solution for 300+ million people in a situation like this? Or even 7 billion people, if you want to go global?”

Related to all this, is the issue of herd immunity. Does the collective have the right to force all individuals to behave (like be vaccinated or practice social distancing or wear masks or whatever) in a certain way for the sake of the collective? From my understanding of herd immunity, it comes into effect when a large percentage of the population (I think it’s like above 83%) gains an immunity to a virus. Because of such, the non-immunized members of the group are protected by the immunized members of the group because the virus can’t establish a very long chain of infection. If someone is infected, they are not circulating among other non-immunized individuals with sufficient regularity for the virus to establish a foothold. At least that’s the theory. I’m inclined to think that individuals should have the right to decline a vaccination as, from my understanding, they are only endangering themselves and others who have also refused that vaccination and accepted that corresponding risk. But that’s vaccination (something we don’t have for the coronavirus yet). I think similar reasoning can be made regarding individuals who don’t wear masks (like the one who was pulled off a bus by force) by their own choice. For myself, I wash my hands a lot anyway, and I have some sanitizer in the car, I’ve wiped down a few doorknobs at my house a couple times, and I carry a mask which I normally don’t use, but can if I think the situation called for it (or if someone requested I do so). Oh, and I’m staying at home most of the time. But I am doing this because it was recommended to me not because it was demanded. It’s called informed consent. And I think it should still apply even in the midst of a pandemic.

Otherwise, we will slide into what I call Scientific Totalitarianism. And I fear we are on our way there. What can we expect? People without masks being dragged off buses. Solitary swimmers arrested for swimming in the ocean (Those two things have actually happened.) If we come up with a vaccine, there will likely be mandatory vaccinations. From there, to get the economy started … can anyone say, the Mark of the Beast? There’s already been talk of requiring an app on your phone that determines if you are immune or not to see if you can participate in the economy. Yes, I know, I, too, find it odd that the antichrist is warning about the Mark of the Beast as he was supposed to be the Beast doing such things. And I do see the logic of such actions, and maybe at one point in time I might have supported such actions, but I no longer believe that to be the proper course. In fact, since I am the antichrist, and if anyone is likely to be damned it would be me, I’ll likely get the Mark of the Beast so I can run around and make purchases for those who can’t because of their religious convictions.

Satan is a Liar. And Jesus Christ is the Lord. Repent and be saved. Yeah, I know you’ve heard it before. But have you ever heard it from the antichrist before?

Scientific Models

Satan is a Liar. And Jesus Christ is the Lord. Repent and be saved. Yeah, I know you’ve heard it before. But have you ever heard it from the antichrist before?

With the coronavirus outbreak, there has been a lot of talk about models. The model predicted this; the real results were this. Some people in the media don’t seem to understand what a model is. And if the media don’t understand, I think there’s a good chance many people in the general public do not either. Back about 20 years ago, I did some work with models. Specifically, I was tasked with modeling the path of a moving target, more or less. I won’t go into details because it was supposed to be more or less secret (although it is now 20 years old, so I don’t think whatever you could glean would be useful).

Anyhoo, the models I believe Dr. Burx and Dr. Fauci are using are computer models. I think most people remember graphs from high school math. The task of a computer model is usually to produce a graph of some sort that plots the motion of one or more variables through time (or space, or what-have-you). Basically, the model runs on data that you feed into it by processing that data using algorithms and predicting how the variable you are interested in behaves as the data changes. The more data you feed into it, the more accurate it is supposed to be. Also, you can alter the algorithms, constants, or variables that are used to process the data to make different, but related predictions. For example, one model of a virus might assume a 1% kill rate with a one-person-to-four-person chance of transfer. Another model might assume a 1.5% kill rate and a one-person-to-three-person chance of transfer. Because of the speed of computers, you can run multiple simulations modifying those variables as you see fit to try to predict the spread of the virus. Theoretically, this can give you worst-case-scenarios and best-case-scenarios and everything in between. When I was doing stuff like this, we ran hundreds of simulations on the same data looking for patterns. Basically, the result was a number of lines drawn through a closely connected area. Any particular prediction of the model (a single drawn line) may very well be off. However, looking at the aggregate of predictions, there’s a pretty good chance the real result will be somewhere in the general area that aggregate predicts.

To get a visual idea, take a piece of paper out; draw the x and y axes of a graph, and draw several lines in rapid succession in the same general area along roughly the same path and direction. Don’t draw them all over the place, that would be an example of a broken model. But when you get ten or twelve lines (or a hundred if you want to tire your wrist out), that is roughly what a computer model usually produces (although in a much more precise, mathematical way). In the case of the coronavirus, I assume they are using the data of deaths and confirmed cases to predict kill rates and degree of contagiousness, which in turn are used to predict total deaths and total afflicted. Hope that helped.

Satan is a Liar. And Jesus Christ is the Lord. Repent and be saved. Yeah, I know you’ve heard it before. But have you ever heard it from the antichrist before?

Science and Decision-making

Satan is a Liar. And Jesus Christ is the Lord. Repent and be saved. Yeah, I know you’ve heard it before. But have you ever heard it from the antichrist before?

For the record, I like and support science. However, I do feel obliged to point out a few caveats. First, as I’ve discussed elsewhere on this blog, science (with the exception of mathematics) doesn’t produce knowledge; it produces well justified rational belief. Second, it is also of critical importance, especially now, to realize that scientific analysis requires time to proceed. When confronted with something new like, say, the coronavirus, science has to proceed in a logical systemic fashion. Data must first be (1) collected and then (2) analyzed. (3) Hypotheses must be developed and then (4) tested. Each one of those steps take time. How much time? That is dependent on each individual situation. In some fields, I believe, some of our best and brightest scientists perform only one or two experiments in the course of their entire lives. Do you see the problem with endless mantras of “follow the science” that I do?

As I said, thorough scientific analysis requires time. Sometimes, a decision must be made immediately. Sometimes, you can’t wait for the science to complete its analysis. If you can wait for the scientific evaluation, then great, relax and let the eggheads (meant in the most loving fashion) go to work. Other times, maybe a thorough analysis will require three months and you must make a decision in three weeks. In such a situation, you have to make a decision based on, at best, incomplete information. Sometimes, you may even have to rely on a hunch or a wild guess.

Our society has put science and intellectual pursuits on a pedestal. I think that is a mistake. I still like science and support science (I certainly wouldn’t want to ignore it entirely; that would be foolish), but I do not support scientific totalitarianism. Intellect is one human gift; there are many others, some perhaps even more worthwhile.

On a completely random note, has anyone else ever considered that the Strong Delusion mentioned in the Bible is science and humanity’s current quasi-deification of the fruits of their own intellect? I’m not a Bible expert, but that thought did occur to me a way back. I still like science, though. I just take it with a grain of salt.

Satan is a Liar. And Jesus Christ is the Lord. Repent and be saved. Yeah, I know you’ve heard it before. But have you ever heard it from the antichrist before?

The Silver Lining of the Coronavirus

Satan is a Liar. And Jesus Christ is the Lord. Repent and be saved. Yeah, I know you’ve heard it before. But have you ever heard it from the antichrist before?

The coronavirus is a terrible scourge on this planet. It isn’t horribly deadly by itself as far as viruses go, but it is extremely contagious and that makes it more vicious. Plus, the economic ramifications may turn out to be just as bad or maybe even worse than the virus itself. There is, however, a bright side or a silver lining to this dreadful scourge. In fact, as I see it, there are two opportunities presenting themselves from our current situation. First, every nation on the planet has an opportunity to act in a fashion opposite to how China acted in the beginning of this pandemic. We could actually choose to trust each other and cooperate even with our worst adversaries. Obviously, it wouldn’t be as easy as just saying trust each other and instantly becoming sudden inseparable allies. But it does give all of us an impetus to build better relationships with our enemies and that, I’m sure, would help us in the long term. Ronald Reagan’s old maxim, trust but verify, should probably be our default standard. The coronavirus is the enemy of both Israel and Iran, the United States and Russia, and everybody else. Mother Nature has given us all a common enemy, if we have the wisdom to see it and take advantage of it. The second opportunity concerns biological warfare. I’m not versed in International Law regarding biological warfare or in the details of whose got what secret lab where, but, I’m quite sure someone somewhere has something and, if nothing else, the coronavirus has made it abundantly clear that we don’t want anything like it, or, God forbid, something more powerful than it, to ever get loose on our globe. The coronavirus only has a mortality rate somewhere around 1% and it is wreaking utter havoc by killing people and crippling economies. Could you imagine what would be happening if it had a mortality rate of 5%, 10% or even higher? When this is all over, if the leaders of the world can’t agree that biological weapons belong on the dustbin of history, I’m all for replacing the whole lot of them with monkeys. It would serve us right. To quote someone I forget from the Obama administration, “Never let a crisis go to waste.” Well, the coronavirus is definitely a crisis; let’s take advantage of the opportunities it is giving us. Let’s cooperate with both allies and enemies, and let’s get rid of biological weapons forever.

Satan is a Liar. And Jesus Christ is the Lord. Repent and be saved. Yeah, I know you’ve heard it before. But have you ever heard it from the antichrist before?